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아래는 담당자의 초청 관련 글입니다.

I am Zelma Farah Nabilla from the International Global Network, the organizer of the Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) and Asia Youth International Model United Nation (AYIMUN). I’m reaching out to you because one of your students, who was a delegate at the AYIMUN 15th event in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia from 2nd-5th August 2024, Norazwin Binti Amrun, recommended that I contact you.  I would like to invite the students of Political Science and International Relations from SoongSil University, South Korea to attend the Asia World Model United Nations (AWMUN) IX from 10th-13th October 2024 in Seoul, South Korea.

Participation in AWMUN is a great way to gain great insight, understand the complexity of global issues, expand networks and hone skills such as leadership and negotiation skills. I hope the students will benefit significantly from the experience gained while attending AWMUN. Your support for students of Political Science and International Relations from SoongSil University, South Korea will be highly appreciated.

For further information about the program, you may check:

– Website : https://awmun.org/

– Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/asiaworldmun/

– Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/c/InternationalGlobalNetwork

Attached below isthe proposal and the price.  Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us here : https://wa.me/+6281545162079 or zelma@internationalglobalnetwork.com





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