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  • UN Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) 7th Youth Forum on SDG Implementation

    • 등록일
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The UN Project Office on Governance (UNPOG) in Incheon, Republic of Korea will virtually organise the 7th Youth Forum on SDG Implementation this year on 8 September at 13:30 – 17:00 KST, and we would like to extend the invitation to the students from your University and among your youth networks.

For your information, the 7th Youth Forum on SDG Implementation will be on the theme of Enabling Youth as Agents of Change for Digital Transformation and Inclusive Climate Action and will virtually bring together young people to engage in meaningful discussions to achieve collective action and accelerate the implementation of the SDGs through digital transformation and inclusive climate action.

The Forum will also hold the Ideas for Change contest and is open to young individuals aged 16 through 24 who are interested to share innovative ideas under digital transformation and inclusive climate action. Five (5) shortlisted teams will be invited to present their ideas during the Forum and at the end of the event, 3 teams will receive the certification awards from the Ministry of the Interior and Safety (MOIS), Ministry of Environment, and Incheon Metropolitan City of the Republic of Korea. The first prize winner will also have the opportunity to present during the Youth Session of the Regional Symposium.

For more details, the link to the Youth Forum along with the reading and application materials can be found here: http://unpog.org/page/sub4_1_view.asp?tb_engagement_sn=7

The registration link should also be found on the link above.  (NOTE: Please be informed that interested young leaders are requested to sign into their g-mail account upon registration to protect their data.)

If you have any questions about the Youth Forum, please do not hesitate to reach out and I would be happy to address them.

We appreciate your kind support, and we look forward to your participation.


일시: 2023년 9월 8일(금) / 13:30-17:00시

장소: 온라인 (Zoom)

언어: 영어

금년 포럼의 주제는 “디지털 변환과 포용적 기후변화 대응을 위한 변화의 주체 로서의 청년의 역할 활성화 ”입니다. Zoom으 로 진행되는 본 포럼은 청년들과 함께 지속가능발전목표를 가속화하고 디지털 변환과 포용적 기후변화 대응을 위한 행동을 논의하는 토론을 진행할 예정입니다.

** 영문 제목: 7th Youth Forum on SDG Implementation: Enabling Youth as Agents of Change for Digital Transformation and Inclusive Climate Action

또한 본 포럼에는 “변화를 위한 아이디어(Ideas for Change)” 공모전을 개최할 예정이며, 본 주제에 대한 혁신적인 아이디어를 공유하길 희망하는 16-24세 청년의 참여가 가능합니다. 최종 선정된 5개 팀은 포럼에서 아이디어를 발표할 수 있는 기회를 얻게 되며, 대한민국 행정안전부, 환경부, 그리고 인천광역시로부터 수상을 할 예정입니다. 최종 우승팀은 또한 금년 10월 17-19일에 진행되는 저희 기관 아태지역 심포지엄에서 발표할 기회를 얻게 됩니다.

추가정보는 포럼 사이트 (http://unpog.org/page/sub4_1_view.asp?tb_engagement_sn=7)에서 확인하실 수 있으시며, 참가신청서는 https://t.ly/oiPbz로 넣어 주시면 감사드리겠습니다.

** 개인정보 보안을 위해 지메일을 사용할 것을 권장 드립니다.

혹시 궁금하신 점이 있으시면 언제든지 해당 이메일이나 070-4230-7337로 연락주시면 감사드리겠습니다.

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