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김지영 교수(학과장)

직급교수학위Ph.D.(Univ. of California-Irvine, 2007)
전공국제정치경제, 개발협력
연구실조만식기념관 731호
학력 이화여자대학교 정치외교학과 학사 이화여자대학교 국제대학원 석사 Univ. of California-Irvine 정치학 박사
주요 경력 2019 – 현재 Fulbright Visiting Scholar, University of California, Riverside, Departmentof Political Science 2017-2019 숭실대학교 정치외교학과 학과장 2013 - 현재 숭실대학교 정치외교학과 부교수 2013 - 현재 Co-Researcher, Social Science Korea (SSK) project of National Research Foundation, Development Partnership Research Group 2008 - 2013 이화여자대학교 국제대학원 특임교수 2006 - 2008 University of Northern Colorado Assistant Professor
주요 연구업적 FELLOWSHIP/RESEARCH FUND 2019 Recipient of Fulbright Mid-Career Scholarship by the U.S. Government 2013-Present Recipient of Korean National Research Fund – Social Science Korea (SSK) project SELECTION OF PUBLICATIONS books 2017 Understanding Development Cooperation in North Korea: Theory and Practice,(Seoul: Orum) (2017) (co-authored with Sohn, Yoo, and Park) [won 2018 Outstanding Academic Work Award of the Korean Ministry of Education]. 2011 Strategy for Enhancing National Support for Korean ODA, (Paju: KOICA, 2011)(coauthored with Eun Mee Kim). 2010 A Study of Advanced Donor Countries’ Adoption of DAC Guideline and Strategy for KOICA, (Paju: KOICA, 2010) (co-authored with E. M. Kim, J. Kim, and H. Cho).3 Journal articles 2019 “The Politics of Foreign Aid and Development of the Private Sector: A Case Study of the Republic of Korea,” Journal of Asian Sociology, Vol. 48, No.1 (2019), 115-137. “A study on development cooperation policies of the Czech Republic: Analyzing through a framework of interest, idea and institution,” 21st Century Political Science Journal, Vol. 29, No.3 (2019), 53-76. (co-authored with Seokwoo Kim and Jisun Yi) “Understanding North Korea’s Perspective on Foreign Aid: A Content Analysis of Rodong Newspaper,” International Development Cooperation Review, Vol. 11, No. 3 (2019), 17-38. 2018 “Does Evaluation Matter?: Policy Implications of ODA Evaluation in European Donors,”International Development and Cooperation Review, Vol.10, No.2 (2018), 5-30,(coauthored with Seokwoo Kim). “Foreign aid to fragile and conflict-affected states: Key characteristics and implications,” Journal of Social Science, Vo. 44, No. 2 (2018), 1-22, (co-authored with Jisun Yi). “Aid Effectiveness and Institutional Complementarity: Comparative Study of the Philippines and Republic of Korea,” The Korean Journal of Area Studies, Vol.36, No.2 (2018), 255-284, (co-authored with Ilcheong Yi and Hyuk-Sang Sohn). 2017 “The Political Economy of Aid Failure in Zambia,” International Area Studies Review,Vol.21, No.4 (2017), 271-294. “Transition in International Development Discourse and the Rise of the Era of UNSDGs,” Social Science Journal, Vol.20, No.1 (2017), 1-23. 2016 “The Evolution of Fragmented Systems of Welfare Provision: The National Health Care Systems of Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Taiwan,” Korea Observer, Vol.47, No.1, (2016), 35-68, (co-authored with Ilcheong Yi, Hyuk-Sang Sohn, and Bok CheolJeong). “Foreign Aid to North Korea: Practices and Effectiveness,” Journal of Northeast Asian Studies, Vol. 21, No.1, (2016), 87-103. 2015 “Aid and State Transition in Ghana and South Korea,” Third World Quarterly, Vol.36, No. 7 (2015), 1333-1348. “International Development Regimes and Foreign Aid,” East and West Studies, Vol.27, No.2 (2015), 261-280. 4 2014 “State-business relations, foreign aid, and development: a comparative study of Ghana and South Korea,” Korean Social Science Journal, Vol. 41, No. 2 (2014), 113-134 (coauthored with Kelechi A. Kalu). “The Politics of Foreign Aid in North Korea,” The Korean Journal of International Studies, Vol. 12, No. 2 (2014), 425-450. “Is Ghana Really a Success Case of Aid?” Oughtopia: The Journal of Social Paradigm Studies, Vol.29, No.1 (2014), 33-66 (co-authored with Ilcheong Yi). . “Asian Aid Model: Comparative Analysis of Chinese, Korean, and Japanese Foreign Aid in Africa,” Social Science Studies, Vol.22, No.1 (2014), 46-81. 2012 “Trends and Tasks of International Development Cooperation with Regional Focus on Africa,” World Agriculture, Vol.147, (2012). “Post-Busan Challenges for South Korea’s Africa Relations,” Korea Observer, Vol. 43, No.2 (2012)(co-authored with Kelechi A. Kalu). “Shrimps between Whales or Small but Piquant Peppers? Foreign Policy Choices of Korea and Poland” International Studies Review,Vol.13, No.1 (2012),(co-authored with Tae Hyung Kim). “South Korea’s Democratization Movements, 1980-1987: Political Structure, Political Opportunity, and Framing,” Inter-Asian Cultural Studies, Vol. 13, No.1 (2012),(coauthored with Hyun Choe). 2011 “Economic Growth and Foreign Assistance: A Success Story of South Korea,” Pacific Focus Vol.26, No.2 (August 2011). 2010 “The Role of the Government in the Expansion of Non-Regular Workers: Lessons from South Korea,” Asian Politics & Policy, Vol.2, No.2, (2010), 237-256. 2009 “The Political Economy of Development Assistance: Lessons from South Korea for SubSaharan Africa,” International Studies Review, Vol.10, No.1, (2009), (co-authored with Kelechi A. Kalu). 2007 “Structure, Framing, and Opportunity Theory: The South Korean Student Movements” Economy and Society 75, (2007), (co-authored with Hyun Choe). 5 2006 “Erosion of the Developmental State: A Case Study of South Korea’s Semiconductor Industry” International Studies Review, Vol. 5, No.1. (2006) (co-authored with Eun Mee Kim). 2005 “Developmental State vs. Globalization: South Korea’s Developmental State in the aftermath of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997-98” Korean Social Science Journal, Vol.32, No2. (2005), (Co-authored with Eun Mee Kim). Book chapter 2016 “Historical Changes of International Development Cooperation Regime,” in World Politics: Development Cooperation, edited by Institute of International Studies, Seoul National University, Seoul: Sahuipyungron. Working paper 2013 “Aid and State Transition in Ghana and South Korea,” WIDER Working Paper No. 2013/121 (UNU-WIDER, 2013). SELECTED PRESENTATIONS AND INVITED LECTURES (2015-present) 2018 “Trends and Implications of Aid to Conflict and Fragile States” Korean Association of International Development Cooperation Annual Conference. Wonju, Korea. “International Assistance to North Korea” Seminar on Global Cooperation and Development Cooperation Model in North Korea. Seoul, Korea. 2017 “Comparative Analysis of Development Cooperation Evaluation” The World Congress for Korean Politics and Society. Seoul, Korea. “The Politics of Foreign Aid and Development of the Private Sector: A Case Study of the Republic of Korea” The Third International Symposium on Asian Development Studies. Bandung, Indonesia. “South Korea’s Response to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” The 5th Seminar of Academic Exchange Program. Beijing, China. “Implementation of SDGs and Directions of Economic Cooperation” SDGs Expert Seminar. Seoul, Korea. 2016 “Policy Tasks of International Development Cooperation in the Era of UN SDGs” Implementation of UN SDGs, International Development Cooperation, and Legal Tasks. Seoul, Korea. 6 “Development Cooperation in Africa” Experts’ Forum in African Studies. Seoul, Korea. 2015 “Practice and Effectiveness of Humanitarian Aid to North Korea” Annual Conference of Korean Association of International Studies. Seoul, Korea.
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